Gospel Feast

Ep. 103: The Marriage in Zion at the Lord's 2nd Coming!

Season 6 Episode 17

At last, at last the marriage of the Lamb! In this episode we will explore the return of our Lord Jesus Christ and the great celebration that will be His wedding celebration with Lady Zion, His Church and Kingdom.
It is important to remember that the Prophet Joseph Smith said that the coming of Kingdom would be like a woman giving birth. Terrible moments of pain interspaced with moments of peace and growing excitement. As the deliver got closer so would the moments of pain become longer. We however were encouraged to remember that once the babe is in arms, all that is left is great and tremendous joy! As we witness the trials, wars and mere rumors of possible wars, mingled with human stupidity, it is wonderful to keep that growing excitement that all we see now will be but a past memory, when our bridegroom comes and blows it all away. Even so… Come Lord Jesus.  Let’s get started!

Ready for some meat after all the milk? The Gospel Feast Series is available here in 20+ volumes. It's time to Feast on the Word of God!

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