Gospel Feast
It's time to feast upon the Word of God. You've had enough milk, it's time for a little meat. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is as rich and rewarding as you make it. Let's feast together! This podcast leans on the research and scholarship of Old World Historian and Eastern Thinking expert Reed R. Simonsen and his book and lecture series, "The Gospel Feast." Listeners are encouraged to ask questions which are answered every 7th episode. Come and Feast on the Word! http://www.gospelfeastbooks.com
Gospel Feast
Ep. 104: Even, So! Come Lord Jesus!
We have reached the end of an amazing book! One that many have read but few have really feasted on. In our yearly rotation of holy scripture, Revelation comes at the end (late November or December) when we are always eager to celebrate our Thanksgiving for Christ and his birth, so this is a book we never really study together, even though it is a book strongly recommended by the scriptures of the Restoration. We hope that, in a small way, this season has helped rectify this.
We hope that this season has been a grand feast for you and that you will never read John’s book again without rejoicing that you are, as Elder McConkie labeled, “one of the few favored in the church." We have one last chapter to enjoy, so… Even So….
A very special thank you to Darien Ethington for his musical talents.
Ready for some meat after all the milk? The Gospel Feast Series is available here in 20+ volumes. It's time to Feast on the Word of God!
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