Gospel Feast

Ep. 107: The Archangel Uriel

Season 7 Episode 2

The Archangel Uriel is one who was known to our ancestors but never much mentioned today. He is however, the angel who was sent to Ezra to help him understand and then prepare the return of the Jews to Jerusalem in preparation for the coming birth of the Messiah whose exact day of Visitation had been given to the Prophet Daniel.

In this episode we will meet him and come to appreciate him as another guardian of the Children of Men. We will also come to see how Ezra was able to wrestle information from the Most High. It is a worthy lesson to learn as there are so many similarities in the sorrows and needs of Judah in Babylon to the sorrow and needs of Ephraim in refuge.

Many profound truths and insights await us as Ezra waits on answers from the Lord.

We are happy to announce the author's "