Gospel Feast

Ep. 108: Ezra Pleads... Uriel and Jehovah Answer!

Season 7 Episode 3

Ezra has been fasting and praying seeking answers to some of the very same questions that you and I are seeking today amid the chaos all around us.
Finally, the heavens part and answers come! 
As wickedness seems to be gathering all around us again in our day, and the answers given to us too often feel like skim milk, when meat is what we are craving. The Lord's answers to Ezra are more than welcome.
Let's take this opportunity to get some meat from the Lord God Himself. We may just discover the refeshment we are craving being trapped in modern Babylon, knowing that all is not well in our modern Zion, these many centuries later.
It's also super cool to know that some of Ezra's questions pertain to the Latter-days, and so they may be the exact answers you and I have been seeking all along, already given.

Ready for some meat after all the milk? The Gospel Feast Series is available here in 20+ volumes. It's time to Feast on the Word of God!

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