Gospel Feast

Ep. 110: Ezra's Vision of the Three-Headed Eagle

Season 7 Episode 5

Toward the end of his sojourn in the pristine field, the Levite Prophet Ezra was given an incredible vision of a terrifying three-headed eagle. Even those unfamiliar with the larger book of 2nd Ezra may have heard of this vision. It is frequently taken out of context today.
In this episode we will explore this amazing vision in context and see what gems it might hold for you and me living in the final minutes of the very last days.
This season's episodes are based on the author's book, Ezra & the End of Days available on Amazon. Note that episode 112 expands on this episode.

Ready for some meat after all the milk? The Gospel Feast Series is available here in 20+ volumes. It's time to Feast on the Word of God!

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